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THE CURRICULUM VITAE OF Zornitsa Popova, Bulgaria

EDUCATION: Dates 1986-1990; PhD awarded in 10/1990 by Specialized Scientific Council on Water Problems and Hydraulic engineering at the Higher Testimonial Board; Thesis title: Water application efficiency in furrow irrigation; Education/training provided by Agro-Physics department, Institute of Soil Science N.Poushkarov (ISSNP), Sofia
Dates 1971-1976; Civil engineer – Masters in Water supply and Sewerage; Principal subject: Hydraulic Engineering; education/training provided by University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG)-Sofia
1976-1979 Designer in water supply and sewerage in “Agropromproekt” – Sofia
1983-1995 Scientific researcher in irrigation – III, II and I degree at ISSNP
1996-2009 Associate Professor in irrigation and agroecology at ISSNP
01/2010 – up to now Professor in irrigation and agroecology at ISSNP; awarded by Specialized Scientific Council on Soil Science, Agro-chemistry and General Agronomy at the Higher Testimonial Board
2003- up to now: Courses taught on Irrigation systems, Irrigation scheduling, Soil Physics, Soil Hydrology, FAO33 and FAO56 methodology for computing crop evapotranspiration and irrigation requirements, ISAREG model theory provided to PhD students and Assistants working on DMCSEE project. Services and consultancy on evaluation “soil-water” balance and “atmosphere-plant-soil-groundwater” relationships at field, ISAREG model validation, deriving crop coefficients and yield response factors under maize and wheat, validated model use for frequency analyses on crop evapotranspiration and yield, net irrigation requirements, non-used precipitation and deep percolation for a long-term period (30-55 years); model application for assessing agricultural risk and vulnerability related to droughts, climate variability, irrigation scheduling&management practices.
1996-2006: Training on monitoring crop development and dry matter allocation to crop organs, fate of water&nitrogen under different irrigation and fertilization management of cropped plots and lysimeters provided to young engineers and a PhD student working on CERES-maize and CERS-wheat models calibration; soil sampling, tensiometer and TDR technique application; water balance measurements; field data treatment; calculation of crop water&nitrogen uptake, deep percolation& N-leaching.
Popova, Z., Ivanova M.2016. Irrigation scheduling under past and present weather conditions in Pleven, North Bulgaria. “Ecologia i Industria” Scientific Journal, Vol.9 (1):94-99. Publisher: Balkan Academy of Science and Culture ISSN: 1311-2783
Kogan Felix, Zornitsa Popova, Petra Alexandrova, 2016. Early forecasting corn yield using field experiment datasets and Vegetation Health Indices in Pleven region, North Bulgaria. “Ecologia i Industria” Scientific Journal, Vol.9(1):76-80. Publisher: Balkan Academy of Science and Culture ISSN: 1311-2783
Донева К., Попова З., 2016, Влияние на колебанията на климата върху датите лимитиращи фазите на развитие при царевицата. Сборник на докладите от Национална Научно-Техническа Конференция с Международни Участие „Екология и Здраве”, 9 юни, ДНТ, Пловдив: 146-154 стр., ISSN: 2367-9530 публикувано на
Popova Z., Ivanova М., Pereira L. S., Boneva K., Doneva K., Alexandrov V., Kercheva M. and Alexandrova P. 2015. Risk assessment of climate change and droughts in the zone of chernozems, North Bulgaria. In M.Teoharov (Ed.) «Chernozems in Bulgaria: Problems, Assessment, Use and Protection», Bulgarian Union of Soil Science: 145-174, ISBN 978-619-90414-1-3.
Popova, Z., M. Ivanova. 2015. Crop water requirements in the context of soil characteristics and changing climate in North Bulgaria. Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 29:69-84, Sofia, ISSN 0204-7934.
Popova Z., Ivanova M., Luis Pereira , V. Alexandrov,M. Kercheva, K. Doneva , D.Martins. 2015. Droughts and climate change in Bulgaria: assessing maize crop risk and irrigation requirements in relation to soil and climate region. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 21 (No 1): 35-53
Popova Z., M.Ivanova, 2015. Impact of climate uncertainties and soil characteristics on maize yield and irrigation requirements in Plovdiv region. J. Water Affairs №5/6:26-33 ISSN: 02045745
Ivanova M., Z.Popova, P.Paredes, R.D.Rosa, L.S.Pereira 2015, SIMDualKc model application to maize on a Vertisol soil in Sofia field – calibration and validation, Digital Book of Proceedings „Soil and Agrotechnology in the Changing World”: 378-388. ISBN: 978-619-90560-0-4.
Попова З., М. Иванова, В. Александров, 2014, Еталонна евапотранспирация ETo-PM и засушаване в равнините на България – (1) сезонен ход и обезпеченост, Сборник Втора научна конференция с международно участие „Теория и практика в земеделието“, Юндола, стр. 201-209
Попова З., М. Иванова, В. Александров К. Донева, 2014, Еталонна евапотранспирация ETo-PM и засушаване в равнините на България – (2) анализ на тенденциите. Сборник Втора научна конференция с международно участие „Теория и практика в земеделието“, Юндола: 210-218
Popova Z., M.Ivanova, Doneva K. 2014. Irrigation scheduling under climate change in Plovdiv region, Agricultural science, 47 (No 1), 3-17; ISSN 1311-3534
Иванова М., Попова З., 2014, Влияние на климата и почвата върху добивите от неполивна царевица и напоителните норми в Софийско поле, сп.Водно Дело, София, кн.5/6:25-33 стр. ISSN: 02045745
Popova Z., Ivanova M., Martins D., Pereira L.S., K. Doneva, Alexandrov V., Kercheva M., 2014, Vulnerability of Bulgarian agriculture to drought and climate variability with focus on rainfed maize systems, Natural Hazards, Vol.74 (2):865-886 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht, DOI 10.1007/s11069-014-1215-3, published on line on 09/05 2014
Попова З., М. Иванова, Д.Мартинс, Л. С. Перейра, М. Керчева, В. Александров, К. Донева, 2013, Климатични промени, селскостопанско засушаване и необходимост от напояване в България, сп.Водно Дело, кн.1/2:14-22; ISSN02045745
Попова З., М. Иванова, Д.Мартинс, Л. С. Перейра, М. Керчева, В. Александров, К. Донева, 2013, Засушаване и климатични промени в България: тенденции и въздействия върху агросистемата на царевицата, Селскостопанска наука, 46 (№1), 19-30
Попова З., М. Иванова, Л. С. Перейра, К.Бонева, К. Донева, В. Александров, М. Керчева 2013, Суша и климатични промени в Северна България – тенденции и въздействие върху агросистемата на царевицата, сп. Селскостопанска наука, 46(№3-4): 3-20 стр.
Popova Z., M. Ivanova, D. Martins, L.S. Pereira, K. Doneva, V. Alexandrov, M. Kercheva, 2013, Drought and climate variability impacts on Bulgarian agriculture: the case of rainfed maize, In N. Lamaddalena, M. Todorovic, L.S. Pereira (Eds.) Proceedings of 1st CIGR Inter – Regional Conference on Land and Water Challenges, Water, environment and agriculture: challenges for sustainable development, FULL PAPERS (USB) and Book of abstracts: 191-193p, Bari – Italy
Popova Z., Ivanova M., Pereira L.S., Doneva K., Alexandrov V., Alexandrova P. and Kercheva M., 2012, Assessing drought vulnerability of Bulgarian agriculture through model simulations, Journal of Environmental Sciences and Engineering B,1 /8, pp.1017-1036 David publishing ISSN 1934-8932
Popova (Ed.) 2012 Risk assessment of drought in agriculture and irrigation management through simulation models. ISBN 978-954-394-080-6 (in Bulgarian with abstracts, keywords, figures, tables in English) 244p.
Alexandris S. Balint G. Fassouli V. Gregorić G. Herceg A. Karavitis C. A. Mattanyi Z. Popova Z. Skondras N.Stamatakos D. Szalai S.Tsesmelis D. 2012, Drought management centre for South-east Europe – DMCSEE Summary of Project results, 55p., Ed.G.Gregorič, Published by Environ. Agency of Slovenia EARS
Popova Z., Ivanova M., Doneva K., Kercheva M., Pereira L.S., , Alexandrov V., Alexandrova P., 2012, Irrigation management and solutions to cope with agricultural drought in Bulgaria. Paper № NH21B-1593, Amer. Geophysical Union AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco; Oral Presentation at First IUGG GRC Conference on extreme natural hazards and their impacts, Orange, Chapman University, Abstracts Vol.: 123-126
Popova Z., Ivanova M., Pereira L.S., Doneva K., Alexandrov V., Alexandrova P. and Kercheva M., 2012, Assessing drought vulnerability of Bulgarian agriculture through model simulations, Journal of Environmental Sciences and Engineering B,1/8, pp.1017-1036 David publishing ISSN 1934-8932
Popova Z., Ivanova M., Pereira L.S., Alexandrov V., Alexandrova P., Doneva K., Kercheva M, 2011, Assessing drought vulnerability of agriculture through model simulations, J.of Agricultural Science, 44(6):3-21
Popova Z., Pereira L.S., Ivanova M., Alexandrova P., Alexandrov V., Doneva K., Kercheva M., 2011, Assessment of impact of drought on Bulgarian agriculture through model simulations. Peered-reviewed article in World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology 59: 2572-2585, ICCCGW, Venice.
Popova Z., M.Ivanova, V. Alexandrov, M.Kercheva, L.S.Pereira, 2011, Drought vulnerability of Bulgarian agriculture based on model simulations. Bulgarian Journal of Meteorology and Hydrology, 16 (2):46-61
Popova Z., L. S.Pereira, 2011, Modeling for Maize Irrigation Scheduling Using Long Term Experimental Data from Plovdiv Region, Bulgaria. Agricultural Water Management, 98 (4):675-683.
Popova Z., M.Ivanova, P. Alexandrova, V. Alexandrov, K. Doneva, L.S.Pereira, 2011, Impact of drought on maize irrigation and productivity in Plovdiv region. Papers Proceedings of National conference with international participation “100 years soil Science in Bulgaria”, Sofia, Vol.1: 394-399
Ivanova M., Popova Z., 2011, Model Validation for Maize Irrigation Scheduling in Sofia field. Proceedings of National conference with international participation “100 years soil Science in Bulgaria”, Sofia: 542-548.
Popova Z., 2010, Impact of climate uncertainties on irrigation in South Bulgaria. Bulgarian Journal of Meteorology and Hydrology, 15 (1):72-89.
Popova Z., 2010, Impact of climate uncertainties on maize yield in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Journal of Meteorology and Hydrology, 15 (1):62-71.
Popova Z. Pereira L.S., 2010, Impact of climate uncertainties on irrigation scheduling under maize in South Bulgaria. Agricultural engineering, XLVII (3):59-71.
Popova, Z. 2008. Optimization of Irrigation Scheduling, Yields and Environmental Impacts by Crop Models. Synthesis of Dissertation Thesis for the Scientific Degree “Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, S., “N.Poushkarov” Soil Science Institute, 101 pp.(in Bulgarian with extended summary in English)
Popova Z., Pereira L.S., 2008, Irrigation scheduling for furrow irrigated maize under climate uncertainties in the Thrace plain, Bulgaria, Journal of Biosystem engineering. 99 (4): 587-597.
Crevoisier D., Popova Z., Mailhol J.C., Ruelle, P. 2008, Assessment and simulation of water and nitrogen transfer under furrow irrigation. Agricultural water management. 95: 354-366.
Popova Z. 2006 Water, nitrogen and yield losses for a non homogeneous furrow set. Irrigation and Drainage Systems. 20 (1):1-21, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., Formerly Kluwer
Popova, Z., Kercheva M., Pereira L.S., 2006. Validation of the FAO methodology for computing ETo with limited data. Application to South Bulgaria. Irrigation and Drainage. 55(1):201-215
Popova Z., Eneva S., Pereira L.S. 2006 Model validation, crop coefficients and yield response factors for irrigation scheduling based on long-term experiments. J. of Biosystems Engineering. 95 (1), 139-149.
Popova Z., Kercheva M. 2005 Ceres model application for increasing preparedness to climate variability in agricultural planning-calibration and validation test. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, PartsA/B/C, 30 (1-3):125-133.
Popova Z., Kercheva M. (2005) Ceres model application for increasing preparedness to climate variability in agricultural planning- Risk Analyses. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 30 (1-3):117-124.
Popova Z., J.C. Mailhol, P. Ruelle, I.Varlev, Gospodinov I. 2005, Maintaining environmental and productivity sustainability of a nonhomogenous furrow set in different agrolandscapes. Irrig. and Drain. 54: 321-337.
Mailhol, J-C, Ruelle, P., Popova Z. 2005 SOFIP: A field scale modelling of water management and crop yield for furrow irrigation. Irrigation science.24 (I):37-48.
Popova Z., Kercheva M. (2004) Integrated strategies for maize irrigation and fertilisation under water scarcity and environmental pressure in Bulgaria. Irrigation and Drainage. 53 (1):105 -113.
Popova Z., D. Crevoisier, P. Ruelle, J.C. Mailhol (2004) Application of Hydrus2D model for simulating water transfer under furrow irrigation. Bulgarian case study in cropped lysimeters on Chromic Luvisol. Ecology in future. Bulgarian Journal of ecological science. 2 (4): 26-38.
Popova Z., Kercheva M. (2002) Optimization of strategies to mitigate biological droughts consequences under wheat and maize in Bulgaria. J. of Balkan ecology. 5 (1):48-58.
Popova Z., B. Gabrielle , B.Leviel , M.Kercheva (2001) Test of biological module of CERES-maize model in lysimeters on Chromic Luvisol. National conference “90 years soil science in Bulgaria”, Sofia. Soil science and agrochemistry. XXXVI (4-6):105-110.
Popova Z., Shopova D.2001 Water balance under maize in lysimeters on Chromic Luvisol. Nat.conf.“90 years soil science in Bulgaria”, Soil science and agrochemistry. XXXVI (1-3):5-10.
Popova Z., Leviel B., Mitova T., Gabrielle B., Kercheva M. (2000) Calibration and validation of CERES model for wheat ecosystem in the region of Sofia. Journal of Balkan ecology. Vol.3, N2, pp.53-61.
Popova Z., , Kercheva M., Leviel B., Gabrielle B. 2000 CERES model application for risk assessment of impacts of fertilisers in wheat ecosystem in the region of Sofia. Journal of Balkan ecology. 3 (2):62-67.
Popova Z.(2000) Evaluation of Furrow Irrigation under Continuous and Surge Flow Conditions in agroecosystems. Journal of Balkan ecology. 3 (4):41-49.
Popova Z., Leviel B., Mitova T., Gabrielle B., Kercheva M.2000 CERES-wheat model calibration/validation and use for risk assessment of impact of fertilisers in Bulgaria. 51st IEC Meeting of the ICID. In Eds. A.Mermoud, A.Musy, L.S.Pereira and R.Ragab papers of the workshop “Control of adverse impacts of fertilizers and agrochemicals”,Cape Town:139-153.
Popova Z., Varlev I., Kutev V., Shopova D. (2000) Lysimeter study on ground water degradation due to different fertilisation and irrigation management. Soil science and agrochemistry. XXXV (4):19-23
Varlev I., Popova Z., (1999) Water-Evapotranspiration-Yield. Sofia. Monograph, p.144
Popova Z., Shopova D., Stanislavova L. 1999 Fertilisation of maize and risk to environment under Chromic Luvisol conditions. In Ed. Bech J. Etended abstracts of 6th Int. Meeting “Soils with Mediterranean type of climate”, Barcelona, University de Barcelona, pp. 918-920.
Popova Z., Leviel B., Kercheva M., Varlev I., Gosse G. (1999) Linking water in N-dynamics of cropped soil into risk of ground water pollution. In Musy A., Pereira L.S., Fritsch M. (eds.) Proceedings of 2nd Inter-Regional Conference on Environment-Water “Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Land Use and Water Management”, Lausanne, PPUR,рр41-42.
Varlev I., Z.Popova& I.Gospodinov (1998) Furrow surge irrigation as water saving technique. Selected papers of the 1st Inter-Regional Conference “Environment – Water: Innovative Issues in Irrigation and Drainage” (Lisbon) in “Water and the environment” Eds. L.S.Pereira and J.Gowing, pp.131-140.
Popova Z. Varlev I. Kutev V.Ikonomova E.1998, Irrigation and cropping techniques to prevent natural water pollution. Papers of the 1st Inter-Regional Conference “Environment – Water: Innovative Issues in Irrigation and Drainage, Lisbon, pp.6-13.
Popova Z., J.Feyen 1996, Adjustment of Wave Model Kc-factors for Bulgarian Water Conditions, In (Eds.R.Ragab, El-Quosy, van der Broek and L.S.Pereira) Transactions of the Workshop on Crop-Water-Environment Models, 16th Congress of ICID, Cairo.pp 175-186.
Popova Z., R. Kuncheva, 1996, Modelling in water losses for a non-homogeneous furrow set. ASCE, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Jan./Feb., 122 (1):1-6.
Varlev I., Dimitrov P., Popova Z.1995, Irrigation scheduling with application of “yield-water” relationships. 46th Int. Counc., ICID/FAO workshop on irrigation scheduling: From theory to practice, Rome, pp.1-6
Popova Z., I. Petrova, 1993. Impact of Modelling in Furrow Irrigation Erosion, Int. symp. “Farm lands erosion in temperate plains, environment and hills”, Saint-Cloud, Paris, Elsevier Science Publishers.pp.347-355.
Varlev I., T. Neosipina, Z. Popova (1992). Theoretical and Experimental Research on Water Distribution Along Furrow Length (in Russian), Docladi VASHNII (Reports of Soviet Academy of Agric.Science “Lenin”) b. 10, 59-61. Moscow
Varlev I., Z. Popova, T. Neusipina (1991). Mathematical model in furrow irrigation technique. International Agricultural Magazine (in Russian), no. 3, pp. 86-87. Moscow
Popova Z., 1991, Optimization for Uniformity and Efficiency in Applying Water for Furrow Irrigation. ICID Bulletin, 40 (2):45-55.
Varlev I., Z. Popova (1990). Underground furrow irrigation systems, Melioratsia i vodnse hoziaistvo (in Russian), (Melioration and farm irrigation) b. 5, pp. 32-34., Moscow
Organization of project meetings, workshops, seminars and trainings
2011 -Training on the WinISAREG model “Simulation the water balance, irrigation requirements and water stress impacts on yield relative to wheat cropping system”, ISSNP, Sofia
2010 -Training on the WinISAREG model “Simulation the water balance, irrigation requirements& scheduling, water stress impacts on yield relative to maize cropping system”, EARS, Ljubliana; National DMCSEE seminar, 7th of October, House of science and technology, Sofia
2005-ECONET04-05 project workshop” Assessment and simulation of water&nitrogen transfer under furrow irrigation by application Hydrus2D model”
2003-COCUP project workshop “Water, nitrogen and yield losses for a non homogeneous furrow set”
1998 – INCO-COPERNICUS third project meeting related to the Interim report Phase III
2009-2012 – DMCSEE project tasks leader of 3.2.3 “Development of irrigation scheduling system for South East Europe by simulation tools” 4.2.2. “Evaluation of vulnerability to drought by “crop-yield’ models” Development of output standards and methodologies on the tasks; teaching, training, help and discussions provided to project partners at 3 workshops, 2 seminars and 8 consortiums meetings; visits to partners for consultancies. Elaboration of National and Joint Reports on tasks 3.2.3 and 4.2.2.
Reports at workshops, seminars, consortium meetings, congresses and conferences
Popova Z. M.Ivanova, 2016. Irrigation scheduling under climate uncertainties in North-West Bulgaria. 23th National Celebration of World Water Day. 22/03/2016 National Centre of Science and Technology, Sofia
Попова З., М. Иванова, 2016, Поливни режими при миналия и настоящ климат в района на Плевен, Северна България. Доклад на Международната Конференция Балканиреко’2016, Балканска Икономическа Реконструкция и Екология. Национален Дом на науката и техниката, София. 7-8 Април. (International Conference Balkanereco’ 16, Home of Science and Engineering-Sofia, April 7th-8th:)
Коган Ф., З.Попова, П.Александрова. 2016. Прогнозиране на добивите от царевица на основата на данни от полски експерименти и индекси за растително здраве за района на Плевен, Северна България. Доклад на Международната Конференция Балканиреко’2016, Балканска Икономическа Реконструкция и Екология, (International Conference Balkanereco’ 16, Home of Science and Engineering-Sofia, April 7th-8th)
Попова З. 2015. Засушаване и необходимост напояване. Доклад на Открит ден посветен на международната година на почвата на тема „Продуктивни възможности и екологични рискове на земите в Северозападна България”, 17.11.2015 г, Сборник материали:стр.54-66. ИПАЗР Н.Пушкаров, София. Materials for round table discussions on the topic “Productivity and Ecological Risk in the Lands of Northwest Bulgaria”: 54-66 р. ISSAPP
Popova Z., M. Ivanova. 2015. Crop water requirements in the context of soil characteristics and changing climate in North Bulgaria. Report delivered at Project DFNI – E 02/4 Seminar„Water flow through variably saturated porous media – a link between atmospheric events and groundwater recharge”, Sept.14, 2015, Geological Institute – BAS, room 203, Sofia, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Bl.24
Popova Z., M. Ivanova, L.S.Pereira, V. Alexandrov, M. Kercheva, K. Doneva, D. Martins, 2015, Climate change in Bulgaria: assessing trends of droughts aggravation, maize cropping risk and irrigation requirements, Presented paper (Abstract ID:37124) at the AGU Chapman Conference on California Drought: Causes, Impacts and Policy, 20-22 April 2015, Irvine, California
Popova Z., M. Ivanova, V. Alexandrov, L.S.Pereira, M. Kercheva, K. Doneva, D. Martins, 2015, Climate change in Bulgaria: assessing trends of droughts aggravation, maize cropping risk and irrigation requirements, Delivered seminar at CUNY CREST seminar series, Fulbright Scholar Program Outreach Lecturing Fund, April 30, The City College of New York, 140th Street & Convent Ave. NewYork, NY 10031. Popova Z. Invited by: Dr. Nir Krakauer
Попова З., М. Иванова, К. Донева, 2014, Адаптация и управление на поливните режими при променящ се климат в района на гр.Пловдив. ХХІ честване на Световния Ден на водата: НТК Хидромелиорации – Устойчиво напояване – Управление и технологии, Национален Дом на науката и техниката, София.
Popova Z., Ivanova M., Luis S. Pereira , V. Alexandrov,M. Kercheva, K. Doneva , D.Martins 2014. Droughts and climate change in Bulgaria: assessing maize crop risk and irrigation requirements in relation to soil and climate region. Report O-28 (Keynote speaker), C3.5-1. Water Conservation Technologies and Impacts on Sustainable Dry Land Agric, The 20th World Congress Soil Science, Jeju, Korea
Попова З., М. Иванова, К. Донева. 2014. Поливните режими при променящия се климат в района на Пловдив. Сборник Доклади Юбилейна Сесия, 90 години Институт по Царевицата (Proceedings of the Jubilee Conference with International Participation”90years Maize Research Institute-Kneja”Selection-Genetic and Technological Innovations on Cultivation of Crops”):72-79стр. ISSN: 978-954-2955-21-4
Popova Z., Ivanova M., Pereira L.S., Alexandrov V., Doneva K., Alexandrova P. and Kercheva M. 2012 Drought vulnerability quantification in Bulgaria through modelling crop productivity and irrigation requirements. EGU General Assembly, Vienna
Popova Z. 2012 Risk Assessment of Drought in Agriculture, Irrigation management and Drought Monitoring. Finale conference and consortium meeting of the Drought Management Centre for SEE project. City Hotel, Ljubljana
Popova Z., Ivanova M., Pereira L.S., Doneva K., Alexandrov V., Alexandrova P. Kercheva M. 2012 Assessing drought vulnerability of Bulgarian agriculture through model simulations. BALWOIS Conference, Ohrid
Popova Z., Pereira L.S.2010 Model Validation for Maize Irrigation Scheduling in Plovdiv Region. BALWOIS “Water observation and information system for decision making”, Ohrid, Abstracts Vol.II, CD-ROM paper 648
Popova Z., Doneva K. 2010 Impact of Climate Uncertainties and Soil Characteristics on Irrigation Season Duration. BALWOIS Conf. “Water observation and information system for decision making”, Ohrid, Abstracts Vol. I, paper 652
Kercheva M., Popova Z.2010 Use of irrigation requirements and scheduling as drought indicator. BALWOIS Conference “Water observation and information system for decision making”, Ohrid, Abstracts Vol. I, CD-ROM paper 642
Popova Z. 2009 Crop growth models use in Bulgaria to predict the impact of climate uncertainties on yield and irrigation requirements. 4th meeting of the experts in CGMS (Crop growth monitoring system), Session 2: Communications from CGMS user community, JRC EC, Ispra.
Popova Z. 2008 Simulation of drought consequences and mitigation measures in South Bulgarian agroecosystems. Seminar of Drought monitoring center for South East Europe within the International confer. “Global Environmental Change-Challenges to science and society in Southeastern Europe”, Sofia.
Popova Z, 2008, Impact of climate uncertainties on irrigation in South Bulgaria. International conference on Global Environmental Change-Challenges to science and society in Southeastern Europe (CD-ROM), Sofia.
Popova Z, 2008, Impact of climate uncertainties on maize yield in Bulgaria. International conference on Global Environmental Change-Challenges to science and society in Southeastern Europe (CD-ROM), Sofia.
Popova Z, 2008, Impact of climate uncertainties and soil characteristics on maize irrigation requirements in South Bulgaria. European Conference of Soil Science EUROSOIL, Technical University Vienna (No. 2008-A-448-EUROSOIL).
Popova Z, 2008, Impact of climate uncertainties and soil characteristics on rainfed maize productivity in South Bulgaria. European Conference of Soil Science EUROSOIL, Technical University Vienna (No. 2008-A-783-EUROSOIL).
Popova Z, 2007, Simulation and optimization of irrigation scheduling, yield and environmental impacts by crop models in South Bulgaria. Technical training workshop on Crop growth monitoring system. Session 10: Review of the users and main adaptation over the world, (CD-ROM) JRC EC, Ispra.
Popova, Z. 2006 Assessment and simulation of water and nitrogen transfer under furrow irrigation. Abstracts of 18th WCSS, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Symposium 3.2B (Dryland Conservation Technologies: Innovations for Enhancing Productivity and Sustainability) ID12292.
Popova Z., D. Crevoisier, P. Ruelle, J.C. Mailhol 2005 Application of Hydrus2D model for simulating water transfer under furrow irrigation. Bulgarian case study in cropped lysimeters on Chromic Luvisol. ICID 21st European Regional Conference “Integr. Land&Water Management:Towards sustainable rural development”. Frankfurt (Oder)
Popova Z., Kercheva M., Pereira L.S. 2005 Validation of the FAO methodology for computing ETo with limited data. Application to south Bulgaria. ICID 21st ERC. Frankfurt (Oder)
Popova Z., Enеva S., Pereira L.S. 2005 ISAREG model validation and crop coefficients for irrigation scheduling in the Trace plain, South Bulgaria. ICID 21st ERC. Frankfurt (Oder)
Popova Z., J.C. Mailhol, P. Ruelle, I.Varlev, I.Gospodinov 2004 Maintaining environmental and productivity sustainability of a nonhomogenous furrow set in different agrolandscapes. International conference of ICID “Food production and water: social and economic issues of irrigation and drainage”, Moscow
Popova Z. (2003) Water, nitrogen and yield losses for a non homogeneous furrow set. Transaction of the workshop on surface irrigation. 20th ICID European Regional Conference. Montpellier
Popova Z., Kercheva M. (2002) Optimization of strategies to mitigate biological droughts consequences under wheat and maize in Bulgaria. In: Dragovic S., Maticic B., Mioduszewski W., Ligetvari F. and Vermes L. (Eds.) Proceedings of International conference on drought mitigation and desertification, ICID, Bled, paper №57 (CD-ROM).
Popova Z., Kercheva M. (2002) Integrated strategies for maize irrigation and fertilisation under water scarcity and environmental pressure in Bulgaria. Transactions from 18th International Congress of ICID, Montreal.
Popova Z., M.Kercheva, B.Leviel , B. Gabrielle (2001) Consequence of heavy precipitation and droughts in Bulgarian agroecosystems and ways of mitigating their impacts. 19th European Regional Conference of ICID. Burno-Prague.
Popova Z., Varlev I., Kutev V., Shopova D. (2000) Lysimeter study on ground water degradation due to different fertilisation and irrigation management. Transactions of 3rd Inter-Regional Conference on Environment-Water of ERWG-EWRA-TECHWARE “Water resources management in the 21st century. Budapest, pp.170-177.
Varlev I.,Popova Z. (1999) Variability of yield and economical efficiency of maize growth. Extended abstracts of 6th Int. Meeting “Soils with Mediterranean type of climate” (ed. Bech J), Univ. de Barcelona: 685-686.
Koutev V.,Ikonomova E., Popova Z., Varlev I. end Mladenova B.(1999) Nitrates Movement in Conditions of Every – Furrow and Alternate – Furrow and Fertilization, Eight Lysimeter Conference, BAL-Gumenstein,рр161-162.
Popova Z., I.Varlev I& I.Gospodinov (1996) Control of Performance and Environmental Impact of Furrow Irrigation by Surge Flows. International Conference on Land Degradation, Adana, Turkey
Popova Z., M.Vancloster, J.Diels&J.Feyen, (1995).Assessment of drought impact on soil water balance and agricultural potential of Bulgaria using simulation model WAVE. Proceedings of the EWRA 95 Symposium, Nicosia, pp.87-92.
Varlev I., Z.Popova& I.Gospodinov (1995) Furrow irrigation by surges as water saving technology. Proceedings of the EWRA 95 Symposium, Nicosia (Cyprus), pp.277-280.
Popova Z., I. Varlev, V. Kutev (1994). Soil erosion in continuous and surge furrow irrigation, Transactions of the 15th International Congress of Soil Science, Volume 2b, Commission I .Acapulco, Mexico. pp.25-26.
Popova Z., I. Varlev, I. Gospodinov (1994). Surge irrigation as an environment friendly technology. European Regional Conference of ICID, Varna, Bulgaria, pp.241-350.
Varlev I., Z. Popova (1994). Influence of water-yield relationships on the optimum uniformity of individual application distribution. European Regional Conference of ICID, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 361-368.
Popova Z., Ph.Masereel (1994). EPIC adjustments and possibilities for application to Bulgarian conditions. Proceedings of the Second European conference on advances in water resources technology and management, Lisbon:247-254.
Popova Z., 1992. Modelling in furrow irrigation performance evaluation and interface between simulation and experimental data. International EWRA Conference “Advances in Planning, Design and Management of Irrigation Systems as related to Sustainable Land Use”, Leuven (Belgium), Vol. 2, pp. 563-571.
Varlev I., Z. Popova, 1990. Arial estimation of furrow irrigation efficiency. Extended summary for the 14th International Congress of Soil Science, Kioto, V.I. Commission I, P-2, pp. 254-255.
Varlev I., Z. Popova, 1988. Possibilities for significant improvement in furrow irrigation efficiency. Regional conference of ICID, Dubrovnic, pp. 110-118.
1988-1989: Fist Price in the section “Agricultural/Hydraulic Engineering and Irrigation” at the ХV review of Technical and Scientific Creativity of the Youths for a Report “Analytical studies on water losses under furrow irrigation ” presented at the III conference, Sofia, and the Republican Symposium, Albena resort
2008 – awarded Doctor of Sciences DSc degree by Specialized Scientific Council on Soil Science, Agro-chemistry and General Agronomy at the Higher Testimonial Board; Thesis title “Optimization of irrigation scheduling, yields and their environmental impacts by crop models”
2015 (5 months) Economical and physical aspects of climate change impacts on agriculture – Assessing drought vulnerability and management, Visiting Fulbright Scholar at Chapman University, Department of Physics, Computational Science and engineering, Orange, California, US
2004-2005 (9 months) Impact of Agrotechniques, Soil and Climate on Crop Productivity and Environment. Technical University of Lisbon, Department of Rural Engineering, High Institute of Agronomy;
2003, 2004 and 2005 (totally 8 months) Agro ecological evaluation of surface Irrigation by FURMOD, CERES-maize and HYDRUS2D models. CEMAGREFF-UI, Montpellier, France;
1998, 1999, 2000 (8 months) Evaluation of crop productivity, evapotranspiration and nitrogen fluxes at the crop level under Bulgarian Plain situations by CERES models. INRA, Unité de recherche en Bioclimatologie, Grignon, France;
1997 (2 months) Modelling in furrow irrigation. Land Reclamation Institute, Sindos , Greece;
1993-1994 (3 months) Water balance modelling by EPIC model; Faculty of Agronomy, Dep. of Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Hydraulics Laboratory, Gembloux; (6 months) Water balance modelling by WAVE model; Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven, Institute of Soil and Water Management, Belgium.
Member of scientific committee of 1st CIGR Inter-regional Conference on Land and water challenges Barry, 2013 and National conference with international participation “100 years soil Science in Bulgaria”, 2011, ISSNP, Sofia. Member of Bulgarian and European Union on Soil Science, European Geosciences Union EGU, American GeoPhysical Union AGU and other professional unions.
Scientific responsible of Bulgarian (ISSNP) partnership contribution to four European projects:
1996-1999 Evaluation of risks and monitoring of nitrogen and pesticides fluxes at the crop level on the Bulgarian and Rumanian plain. INCO-COPERNICUS Project IC15CT96-0101.
2003 Agro ecological evaluation of surface irrigation. COCUP Project with CEMAGREF,Montpellier, France.
2004-2005 Impact of joint practices of irrigation and fertilization on agro-environmental performances in the case of bi-dimensional transfer (surface&micro-irrigation)ECONET project, CEMAGREF, Montpellier.
03/2009-05/2012 Drought Management Centre for South East Europe project, DMCSEE SEE/A/091/2.2/X