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SWEEP-Net/CMI joint workshop on the Cost of Environmental Degradation due to solid waste practises (COED-Waste), 23-24 April 2014 – Marseille, France

The defects and shortcomings of the solid waste sector impact the health, the
environment, the economy and social matters. The analysis of the costs of
environmental degradation of the environment is tied to the solid waste
management practices.

This connection allows the reach for a better
analysis of the actual effectiveness and impact of SWM, as COED measures the
degradation in quality of life. COED defines and measures this diminished life
quality as a result of environmental damages caused by waste, and as a result of
the costs of non-action regarding this development. Thus, COED offers
decision-makers a tool to take actions that are based on the ultimate costs and
effects of the problem at hand. It also offers the necessary tools to better
establish priorities of action, allocate necessary resources to remedy the
damages, and reduce the associated costs.

In this spirit, a cooperation
accord has been established between SWEEP-Net/GIZ and the Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI). The aim was to
conduct COED studies together for the first time in three cities (Rabat, Tunis,

After having realized the provisional reports for the three
COED-Waste analyses in all three cities named above, a workshop on the synthesis
of results is planned from 23 to 24 April in Marseille, France. The presentation
of the provisional reports on COED-Waste in the three cities set aside, the
workshop in Marseille also has the objective to:

  • Present and reach a general consensus on the chosen
  • Discuss the content of the COED-Waste reports (Rabat, Tunis,
  • Discuss the next steps on promotion and dissemination of the
    results Download the programe here

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